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What Is A Swale Drain For Yards And Should You Get One?

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A swale drain is a natural and beautiful way to keep your yard from flooding.

They are a great sustainable drainage system.

They not only prevent your yard from getting submerged, but they also make your yard look better, creating a wild-life flair to a yard. 

However, if you have never heard of a swale drain you may be wondering what it is and should you get one?

Luckily for you, we have created a guide to inform you all about swale drainage systems.

What Is A Swale Drain?

Swales can be situated alongside an area’s natural landscaping, or they can be manually fabricated to help ensure suitable drainage, minimize runoff, or catch stormwater in a yard.

Essentially, a swale drain is a broad, shallow channel, with sloping sides, that some people use to help remove excess water.

They generally use the help of slopes and gravity to transport water.

With many different designs, you can completely customize your swale drainage system to perfectly fit in with its other surroundings.

You could line your swale with rocks, boulders, and an array of flowers to give it a more dry stream bed look.

This will help soften the look and ensure the swale blends seamlessly into the surrounding landscape. 

Why Use A Swale Drain?

Below, you will find all the benefits that make swale drains unique from any other drainage system. 

1. Water Plants 

Swale drains can often be used to irrigate plants, gardens, or flowers. They can help supply water from one area of your yard to another.

Whether you are planting crops or spreading wildflowers, a swale is a great natural watering resource that requires little maintenance.

So, all your plants can get the water they need without you having to lift a finger!

2. Reduces Excess Water

Some people’s yards are their pride and joy, and they put so much effort into making them look beautiful.

So, the last thing you would want is for it to be flooded by rain!

Luckily, swale drains help prevent floods and structural damage by keeping the rainwater away, while still maintaining the beauty of your yard.

3. Rainwater Reservoir 

Additionally, you can use a swale drain to catch rainwater for a reservoir.

All you need to do is position your swale into a pond, and let nature do its magic!

This water can then be used for pretty much anything, whether you use it to feed animals, water your plants, or even clean. The possibilities are endless.

What Is A Swale Drain For Yards And Should You Get One (2)1

Should I Get A Swale Drain?

Swale drains are a great way to keep your yard from flooding with water (see also ‘Why Is Water Coming Out Of The Ground In My Yard?‘).

They collect water and capture organic matter such as silt and nutrients, it is then able to soak into the soil and spread through an area without causing erosion.

This allows a yard to be flood and drought-free, while still maintaining it’s beauty, as opposed to other eye-sore drainage systems. 

Swine drains also require very little maintenance.

They will collect water and dispose of it naturally without any interference. So, the answer to whether you should get a swale drain is: yes, you should! 

Final Thought

A swale drain is a perfect solution to your yard’s drainage issues.

Not only do they look beautiful and full of nature, but they can also help and maintain your yard naturally.

Hopefully, this guide has informed you of swine drains and whether they are right for you. 


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