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How To Fix PVC Leak And Save On Repairs

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You don’t need to be a plumber to notice whether the PVC pipes in your house or office are leaking.

If you have the necessary equipment and learn how to handle pipes, you can fix the leak in a short amount of time.

Because some individuals are concerned about their finances, we have good news for you: repairing a PVC pipe leak is far less expensive than fixing copper pipework.

However, you must act immediately because ignoring the problem at this level may necessitate extensive renovation, which is a pricey fix that will put a strain on your finances.

This article will show you how to remedy a PVC leak without having to call a plumber.

What Is A PVC Pipe?

PVC pipes are among the most versatile and efficient plastic pipes, have been around for 80 years, and serve a wide variety of uses in a range of different sectors from across the globe.

These pipes are very durable and sturdy, with perfect resistance to corrosion and low chance of suffering to heat contraction and expansion as compared to metal piping. 

PVC pipes are very affordable and strong, and they come in a range of different sized pipes with a wide range of fittings.

Depending on what type of PVC version is installed, they are installed for both cold and warm water applications.

What Is A PVC Pipe?

Why Are PVC Pipes Used?

PVC pipes are generally utilised as piping in water, irrigation, and sewage systems.

The pipes are simple to install, recyclable, light, durable, and robust, making them both cheap pipe options and good for the environment. 

PVC pipes are made from a smooth material that aids rapid flows of water due to lesser friction than that of pipes made with certain materials such as concrete and iron.

PVC pipes are available in a range of lengths, diameters and thicknesses.

How Do Manufacturers Construct PVC Pipes?

The pipes are constructed by extruding PVC as a raw material, and they usually follow similar procedures as normal pipe installation operations:

  • Raw pellets or powder are inserted in the PVC screw extruder.
  • Extruder melts and heats in multiple zones.
  • Extruding material throughout a die to shape the pipe.
  • The formed pipe is then cooled.
  • The pipes are then cut to the required length.

Even though they have a manufacturing process similar to many other plastic based pipes, The pipes have special properties that present significant issues to pipe manufacturers for their marketing and production.

The Most Common Causes Of PVC Pipe Leakage

You might be curious about the causes of the PVC pipe leak in your home or office, and here they are:

Poor Craftsmanship

Unfortunately, paying a professional to build PVC pipes into your property does not guarantee that you will get exactly what you pay for.

PVC leaks are most commonly caused by loose ends, but you won’t know there’s a problem until you see water droplets or a pool underneath the pipe.

The Glue

When putting PVC pipes (see also ‘How To Connect A PVC Pipe‘) in your house, keep in mind that the suitable type of PVC pipe is required.

However, because a plumber is more likely to perform this work and you are likely inexperienced with PVC glues, the chances are slim that you will be able to tell if they have used the correct product.

PVC glue is also a limited substance that will eventually wear out.

Pipes Or Fittings That Are Defective

Pipes Or Fittings That Are Defective

PVC pipe leaks can sometimes be traced back to faulty components.

If you find yourself in this circumstance, you will almost certainly need to replace the problematic parts.

Fortunately, if you follow our tool suggestions and use the proper replacement parts, this repair will not leave you sweating.

Early Stages of PVC Leak Repair

You understand the value of your home’s piping system, which is why you’d want to discover a long-term solution to this problem.

Temporary fixes can sometimes be as successful as permanent fixes, however the key is finding the leak early on.

We do, however, have a cure for PVC pipe leaks in the early stages as well as for those who neglected or didn’t detect the issue once it started. 

Follow the steps below to fix a PVC pipe leakage yourself and save on repair costs.

Fixing A PVC Leak: Step-By-Step Guide

Use Repair Tape

A basic rubber and silicone adhesive tape may be the best option for repairing a PVC leak.

Repair tape is flexible, gummy, and sticky, making it simple to fit all around the pipe and the leakage.

Wrap the tape around the leaking region, and ensure you extend the wrapping to cover the entire area to ensure that everything is secure.

If your PVC pipes have a few weak points, you may simply wrap the tape in a loop to cover the entire surface with it.

Even while the rubber tape approach is the simplest, it cannot cure severe leaks and is difficult to work with in tight locations.

Try Wrapping The Pipe In Fiberglass

Try Wrapping The Pipe in Fiberglass

Fiberglass tape, like rubber tape, is great for leaks because it is covered with water-activated resin.

It’s easy to use: simply dampen the towel and wrap the fibreglass wrap all around the joint or pipe. After about 15 minutes, the resin will set and the leak will be prevented.

Use Hose Clamps

Rubber tape and a pair of hose clamps can help seal a PVC pipe leak. Wrap the tape all around the joint or a section of pipe, as you would for a minor leak.

Next, separate a few of hose clamps to allow for easier placement around the leak on the pipe. Make careful to fully tighten the hose clamps to produce a compression effect and halt the leak.

This approach will give you little time if you’re on a budget right now, while also solving the problem of minor leakages quickly.

Note: Only use this approach on smooth pipework and stay away from the outer edge where fittings join pipe or curves.

More Severe PVC Leaks

To deal with more severe PVC pipe leakages, follow our recommendations below.

Find The Leak

The most critical step in repairing the leak is to identify its source. Finding the leaky place is sometimes a piece of cake, but other times you’ll have to dig a little deeper. 

Water will move all along the pipeline from the source of the leak, regardless of how far away the leak is. 

Wait for the next drop of water to come after drying the piping with a cloth or towel.

You’ll be able to tell whether the problem seems to be with the piping or the joint this way.

Shut Off The Water 

Shut Off The Water 

You should turn off the water supply now that you’ve found all of the leaks.

Mark the locations with a marker if you’re not sure you’ll remember where the problem came from.

Drain Your Pipes

If there is any remaining water in the pipelines, it will produce pressure. Before proceeding with the repair, you must first release the pressure in the pipes.

Drain the water from the faucets, but position a basin beneath the leaky area just in case.

Extract The Damaged Part

Given the severity of the leak, the only choice is to replace damaged components with new ones.

Carefully remove about 1 inch from both ends of the pipe when the leak becomes visible.

Don’t be hesitant to cut a larger section, as this will reduce the chances of the leak returning in that region.

Set the jaws at 90 degree angle during cutting and make a clean, straight cut.

You should expect some water to occur upon extracting the damaged section, but it won’t be much longer before everything is dried.

To collect any remaining water in the pipe, use a towel or a cloth.

Dry Fit The Pipes

Things might get delicate when it concerns plumbing, so don’t rush things. A mistake will cost you additional time and money. Dry fitting is the process of determining whether the replacement piece will fit the hole.

There is no going back once you start glueing, so double-check that the piece is the appropriate size before you begin.

Apply Primer And Cement

For application, you’ll need two brushes.

The primer’s main purpose is to ensure that the cement will properly seal everything and to erase the pipe’s gloss.

The pipe will turn a matte tint once the primer is set, indicating that you should begin applying the cement.

Apply a large amount of cement to both the interior and outside of the pipe. Don’t wait for the cement to dry before twisting and pushing the replacement piece into the cement.

After you’ve inserted the replacement piece completely, push everything together the piping and the joint together for another 15 seconds to be sure everything is properly sealed.

Note: Because cement needs time to dry in hotter climates, it’s best to leave the joint alone for 30 seconds to a minute.

Final Thoughts

As you’ve seen, our PVC leak repair instructions are simple to follow. You’ll see that they provide great results!

Don’t rush anything, particularly if it is a significant leak.

Make sure everything is adequately primed and the adhesive is dry.

Turn on the water supply once the glue has dried, and ideally the leak will be eliminated and you will conserve money.

Remember our tips on how to remedy a PVC pipe leak because then you can become your own professional plumber at any moment.


On Key

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